
Who should be attending #MeetTheMedia and why…

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How to navigate today’s dark news cycle

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Tips to manage a tricky media interview

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One size doesn’t fit all for pitching to media

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12 take aways from 12 years in business.

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Why relationships are the cornerstone of Media Stable’s success.

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Why Media Stable is PR done differently

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Why summer holidays are the perfect expert soft launch

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When it comes to media, does how a woman looks still matter?

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Translating TV newroom jargon

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What makes a good TV case study?

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A lesson in putting out the branding fire.

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Top tips for writing a TV Pitch

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Five ways small business can get more media

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Top five media mistakes… and how not to make them

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Why loving your job is the best thing you can do for your career

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How to keep up with the latest when you’re sick of the news

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Why are women experts in the media still a minority

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Four Media Board tips from a long-term Media Stable expert

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What it means to be part of Media Stable

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Making magic happen at #MeetTheMedia Melbourne and Sydney

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Improve your TV appearances from outside the studio

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Why the Media Board works

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Business Leaders need to STOP hiding

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Tips on how to look good on-air on zoom

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How can small business get earned media?

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Experience the magic at #MeetTheMedia

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Five practical op-ed templates for aspiring writers

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Why being an expert is the fast track to media coverage

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Are Australians an angry lot or is the PR machine broken?

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The top 10 biggest news stories of the year in Australia

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Why earned media should be your business’ goal

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How to write a great Media Board piece

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How to improve your on-screen appearances from your home or office

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Five questions you should ask before any media engagement

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Who should go to #MeetTheMedia?

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5 secrets of a ghost writer

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What does media training cover?

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The seven deadly sins of dealing with media?

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How to leverage your media (and why you must)

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Five COVID-19-fuelled communication trends that must stop in 2021

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Six podcasting rules for success

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Your brand is like a bus: Feel free to hand over the keys to someone else, but take it out for a spin now and then.

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To podcast or not to podcast… that is the question.

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Creating a standout personal brand

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Getting more from your media appearances

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It’s time for business to step-up and lead us out of COVID

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Stop sending pointless media releases

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How to write an op-ed.

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Six great Media Stable resources

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Six things I’ve learnt about the media during COVID-19.

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Which Media Stable profile is the right one for you?

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Media in the time of COVID-19…

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How to tame the media creativity monster

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The Experts Podcast is back!

When choosing a guest to kick-off our new series of The Experts Podcast, we couldn’t go past Professor Gary Martin from AIM WA.

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The eight deadly sins of communicating with media

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What’s in store for Media in 2020

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What’s with all these LinkedIn titles?

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What is Media Stable? The top five things you need to know.

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How can I be the voice of my industry?

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Media Training – Follow Up

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Media Training – Execution

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Media Training – Preparation

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Will the tide turn on digital activism?

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#MeetTheMedia – 10 observations and takeaways

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Three things you need to do to be successful in media

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Creating a standout personal brand

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A big firm that just gets it.

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How to find the right media consultant for you

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How a media consultant could make a difference to your business

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How to prepare for #MeetTheMedia

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Celebrity influencers no match for an expert’s view.

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The three (or four) media people you need to know.

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Why you need media training

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How to position yourself as an expert in the media.

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How to become an ideas machine

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The best plan, is to have one…

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How to get yourself media-fit for 2019.

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Improving your media brand on social media

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Making the media work for you.

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Relationships, that’s what it’s about.

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Six “Ps” to nailing a radio interview

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Authentic experts win all the time

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The top 3 ways to get invited back

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Why get media training?

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The three characteristics you need to be successful in media

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You got a media hit – what next?

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The personal touch is a winner for social media posts

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Media Releases are a waste of time

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Who’s the best expert for the job?

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Setting the PR record straight

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Five tips for pitching success

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Gotta Gotta Gotta

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A quick note of thanks

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Find Your Tribe

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Trust me, I’m an expert

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Five secret behaviours of our most successful experts

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Here’s why you should be on the radio

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Coffee, cake and a good yarn with the right people can change the way you do business.

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Why Podcasts are the New “Wireless”

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STOP sending out Press Releases

I was clearing out the letterbox at my home the other day after I made the mistake of letting it pile up for a few days. It was full of rubbish, junk mail, letters addressed to ‘the resident’, flyers from real estate agents and department store catalogues that I had no intention of reading. Read more

What does traditional media need to do to win back the trust of Millennials?

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Five takeaways from #MeetTheMedia 2017

Australia’s media delivered once again at this year’s round of #MeetTheMedia events. Those who attended were presented with a veritable gold mine of information and engagement and the amount of positive feedback from both media and attendees has been humbling. Read more

Three words or phrases you can scrap from your writing now

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