PodCast – The Experts

Nic & Carmen – Spring Time

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The change of the seasons from Winter to Spring will bring a smile to many as we fast approach Summer but there is another change going on that excites business owners, experts and leaders of industry. The change in the media cycle where AFL and NRL enters finals, and we start to see a close of winter sport. Add the departures of maybe two of the most influential media personnel in 24 hours of Melbourne’s ABC Radio Virginia Trioli and 3AW’s Neil Mitchell.

Nic and Carmen love getting together to riff media, communications, storytelling, presenting and broadcasting. The intention for this edition of the Experts Podcast is to fire up business owners and experts to get out there and own their space at this time in the media cycle. The unexpected resignations and announcements from both Virginia and Neil are just a little too much to handle.

This episode can be described as a pep talk, a coach’s fire up, a wake-up call. Whatever you want to call it, but the truth is here. The media cycle is shifting towards a new position that works in the favour of the content producer and expert, but it still needs to be delivered well. The media is looking for more, but it won’t just accept anything, and neither should it.

The enthusiasm and energy that you will feel from the chat on this podcast is what is needed to engage the media at this time. It is your time to start making an impact on media when there is an opportunity, and the time is now. The best advice is to get to a #MeetTheMedia in October, reach out to a PR or Media Stable to start producing content that works for the audience of the media.

The Experts powered by Media Stable · Nic and Carms Spring Time


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