PodCast – The Experts

Julie Adams & Lorna Cook

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It is highly unusual for Nic to get political and emotional in a podcast that is designed to talk about success in media, but it happened on this occasion. The special guests on The Experts Podcast this week are Lorna Cook and Julie Adams the founders of Chemo@Home and as the name suggests, they provide a service which allows patients to undergo their chemotherapy in the comfort of their home, administered by specialist nurses. A topic very close to Nic’s heart as he lost both of his parents to cancer.

The focus of this podcast are Lorna and Julie and their journey including telling their story.  It is such an important message to broadcast because the in-home chemo service they provide has an even bigger reason to be promoted within the current political, economic, and pandemic climate. The bureaucracy, stakeholders, state governments, and those in the health system have up until now done everything in their power to stop, rather than to provide and care for the very people they are responsible for.

This topic is very popular in the media as it provides all the elements they are looking for in a story. It’s personal and human.  There is emotion, tragedy, resilience, fight, joy and hope. Chemo@Home has done some terrific media over the years, but their messages need to remain constant for the purposes of educating both patients and the government. Lorna and Julie have adapted to doing many radio interviews while driving in the car to walking out of events to do a piece to camera for the nightly news on television.

They feel so very privileged to be there with people when they are at their most vulnerable. It is nice to receive but it is even better to give.

There really is a lot to learn from these two ladies when it comes to working with media. They are ready, willing, and motivated to make sure that they take advantage of every opportunity that presents. As a team, Lorna and Julie are two very different people and that has been one of the reasons for their success. They are genuinely the most caring and delightful ladies with a very important message that we at Media Stable are fortunate to be a part of.


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