Julian Pace
Happiness and mental health have never been more important and there are certainly more challenges in front of us as we navigate our way out of the COVID-19 pandemic. There are many programs and people who are working in this space, but you will immediately feel a connection with our podcast guest as he has dedicated his life to help others get on top of wellbeing and mental health.
Julian Pace is the founder of Happiness Co – you might’ve seen him on traditional and social media. Julian is an accomplished speaker, business owner, entrepreneur, and trainer who shares some golden one-line takeaways and little gifts of wisdom with listeners in this podcast.
As an expert in his field Julian represents the very best in storytelling and knows exactly what he is doing and where he is going, and he’s not bad at analogy’s either! There are some important messages for all experts tuning in, to take some lead from his ability to dissect a question and make it easy for the audience to understand. He has an ability to deliver carefully crafted observations and responses that has the listener stepping in for more. You’ll notice that his tone and energy in this podcast are very appealing, which is exactly what media are looking for.
“Be brave regardless of outcome” is the key tip from Julian. We loved this as it is the very essence of every successful expert or person of influence.
Happiness Co is playing an important role today with their messages, services and real tools to combat mental illness. There is no doubt you will be hearing more from Julian Pace.
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