PodCast – The Experts

Dave Clare

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This week on the podcast we talk purpose and what it means to businesses and how it can help them become better at what they do both internally and externally. You will quickly gather that our guest has a lot to offer to small, medium, and big business in understanding what we do and why we do it. It’s a fascinating chat that anyone that is in leadership or owns a business should go through the exercise of discovering more about themselves. Too often we are caught up in our business and not working on our business.

Dave Clare is an author, coach, speaker, and trainer in all things purpose. When you listen to Dave riff about the very core things that he is obviously passionate and enthusiastic about you can hear it in his voice (and Canadian accent) that he is an engaging speaker and presenter. His ability to break down complicated thinking or theories that a business owner might have is clearly conveyed back to them in what they can understand but maybe more importantly what their customers “who they choose to serve” can easily understand.

The chat has so much value, but this did catch the attention of our co-hosts Carmen and Nic when Dave started talking about SHIT values. An acronym that every business seems to claim as their values, Service, Honesty, Integrity, and Trust. These are the very core for every business and should be taken as a given. It’s the values that are unique to you and your business you need to make sure are published and adhered to from the top down that will make you stand out. The way Dave articulates this is again why all businesses need to get coached regularly through this process.

Without doubt this podcast will make you think. The other gold that you should be looking out for is the FLOW. Another great message hit home is that employees are looking for coaches and not bosses. Make sure you learn the number one rule don’t call your employees “staff”, a mistake Nic Hayes is not likely to repeat. Right from the start of this chat we are working on our business which you can play along by asking the same questions with your business. If you can get Dave into your office to look at your purpose and values, be assured the effort and the investment is well worth it.


The Experts powered by Media Stable · Dave Clare


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