Amber Daines
Media Training is critical for any business owner or representative of a brand today. It isn’t a luxury to have access to this type of professional development it is essential. The reality is that media training isn’t just about engaging media it is communicating generally to audiences, stakeholders, clients, staff, and anyone that needs to be engaged. We have one of Australia’s best trainers on the podcast today and she shares some insights and tips that you can implement today.
Amber Daines is a media trainer, public relations professional, podcaster, and former journalist. A very active performer in the professional development space for corporates to micro business owners her training is outstanding. You vet to hear from the experienced communicator her views and what media training looks like today. With all the seriousness of the training because of the repercussions if a business gets it wrong Amber still describes it as ‘great fun’ and we couldn’t agree with her more.
The big changes to media and challenges for businesses according to Amber is the emergence of social media and the 24 hour news cycle. Every business leader now has a responsibility to be upfront and present in the media. The discussion now that all leaders and business management need to be ready to go. There is no more hiding behind desks or hoping that the story just goes away.
“Silence breeds suspicion”
There is so much we can do to improve our delivery. We can practice out loud, work on robust messaging, have clear strategies and planning for the good and the bad news that might come our way. The reality check around what media wants and needs from us very different to the perception that many have who are looking to engage the media. That’s why media training is essential and not just a fun professional development day for the team… but it is that too.
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