2022 Federal Election – learnings from the media campaign
With the dust settling on the 2022 Federal Election Australia has decided to put a new government in place with the ALP taking a majority hold of the lower house. The rise of the independents and the Greens has seen a shift in the political landscape for parties and voters. The media and the campaigning of this election didn’t look any different to what it did in the past ten elections, and this is a heads up to all in politics that this is going to change.
Nic and Carmen break down some of the messages and campaign efforts of the major parties. The media gaffs and ‘gotcha’ moments were they significant or just a distraction? How did the environment hardly get a mention and why was Scott Morrison not able to win back the people? These were just a few of the questions the team addressed and looked at as being part of the reason behind the change of government.
There is a significant theme of being human, empathy, real, and authentic. Something that politicians have a real issue with and fail on just about all accounts. The errors and mistakes made by the leader of then opposition Anthony Albanese might have just made him more human. The voters certainly didn’t punish him for those ‘gotcha’ moments.
The real lesson for future elections is that the messaging needs to be more focussed around leadership, less negative campaigning as this isn’t a race to the bottom. The voters also are sending a strong message that the environment is important to them and the ‘climate wars’ that the two majors are having should be over now. With the lowest Primary vote for both major parties they both will need to shift their communications to attracting the mass middle again otherwise the rise of Teal and Green is just the beginning.
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