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#MeetTheMedia is back in Melbourne

The #MeetTheMedia program is returning to Melbourne on the 25th of October 2016 twelve months after its launch and  travelling to Brisbane, Sydney and Perth. The opportunity to meet, listen, learn and engage with Australia’s best media is one that business owners and communicators have celebrated.

So, you’re going to be on the radio…

For many people the thought of a radio interview can send shudders down the spine. Ensuring you’re well-prepared will help to soothe any nerves and result in a performance that will mean you’ll be asked back again and again.

Sometimes you get interviewed by your hero

Media Stable provides some of the best experts for all media but sometimes we are the expert. The chance Nic Hayes got to talk with Alan Kohler on Qantas Radio was a real treat.  The media wants people who want to be in front of the media according to Alan and we agree.

Hawthorn what were you thinking?

When Hawthorn Football Club comes onto the ground and go through their banner with their traditional brown and gold stripe jumper you know that they are already three goals in front before the first bounce.

How do I start a podcast?

Well that is the question that one in four of my clients are asking as they look to take their content and expertise to another level. Podcasting was once the domain of tech savvy, too-much-time-on-their-hands professionals that liked to hear the sound of their own voice.

When is the right time to send my media pitch?

Timing is everything and as the great Kenny Rogers once said, you gotta know when to hold ‘em, know when to fold ‘em, know when to walk away, know when to run. This is a lesson for media as much as gambling. Media engagement is as much about timing as it is about the concept […]

5 mistakes made by experts

As a manager of experts I often get asked what I look for in an expert, what is it that makes someone stand out and recognisable as an industry or subject expert?

Where did all the good news go?

One of the most important things to do when building your media engagement is to keep up to date with the news. Whether you’re listening, reading or watching it, you really should access a couple of different news sources daily so you can keep abreast of what is going on in the world and your […]

Media Stable writes for the AICD

On the 27/5/16 Nic Hayes contributed to the Australian Institute of Company Directors newsletter on how to deal with viral negative and positive attention. An area quite foreign to most company directors. View full article here