Relationships, that's what it's about.

The ethos and purpose behind #MeetTheMedia is not revolutionary, it’s simply a reminder and affirmation that like life, business is based around relationships. That’s right, relationships. The whole world has become incredibly fast with the emergence of the digital world and one of the casualties, especially in the world of communication, has been the old-fashioned face-to-face relationship. The dependence on, and ease of phone calls, emails and texts has replaced the very essence of human to human communication, which distinguishes us from other creatures. The ability to communicate verbally with nuance, via body language and with emotion, is the bedrock on which relationships are built. This is what makes #MeetTheMedia so powerful – you the expert, get to meet journalists, editors and producers face-to-face and make that important human connection.

And that human connection has never been more vital. We know this because we surveyed almost 200 of our media contacts and they told us how they preferred to be contacted and have stories pitched to them. Personally targeted pitches and shorter releases that have less spin, that are direct and to the point, are what media is looking for today. Once media have met you and put a face to your name, you’re already streets ahead of most PR companies who’re still relying on the use of a dated media release model.

You should attend #MeetTheMedia if you are successful and well-respected in your business world. Your clients know how good you are, your suppliers are on board with you and you have discovered there is just one missing element in your business journey – the media has no idea you exist. You might be a business owner, or could be in the field of marketing and communications and are looking to do it better. You might have years of experience or perhaps you are just starting out, either way #MeetTheMedia has something for everyone.

If you attended last week’s #MeetTheMedia in Adelaide, the next steps for you are as follows; First, reach out to the media you met at the event, particularly the ones who showed some interest in your expertise; Connect with the media attendees via social media and Linkedin; Consume the media they produce - listen to their radio station, read the newspaper they write for and watch the news bulletins they produce; finally, look for opportunities where your expertise might fit and offer them a story idea or pitch.

Start by going through these steps. This will be a significant milestone on its own and your personal and business brand will thank you in the years to come.

Nic Hayes is the Founder and Managing Director of Media Stable, Australia’s largest content and expert directory.

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